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Home » 19 of the Best Hamster Memes and Meme Generator

19 of the Best Hamster Memes and Meme Generator

Hamsters are adorable, ridiculous little animals that spawn all types of jokes, memes, and more. And to take part in the amusement of our furry little friends, we’ve collected 19 of the most hilarious and accurate hamster memes for you to enjoy.

And just because there are already a ton of memes out there, doesn’t mean there isn’t room for more, so we’ve also provided links to the most popular hamster meme templates and generators, so you can take what you’ve seen here and make your own completely custom to your furry friend.

So without further ado, enjoy the best hamster memes below and share with anyone you think would enjoy them as well.

Table of Contents

    Best Hamster Memes

    1. You ever have a mental breakdown, but walk by a mirror?

    Mental breakdown hamster meme

    2. This computer seems a little hammy. Can’t get it working at all.

    Computer mouse hamster meme

    3. Everyone loves a good song. Especially when you’re trying to sleep, since hamsters are nocturnal.

    Trying to sleep hamster meme

    4. The Summer months always turn regular hamsters into melting hamsters.

    Melting hamster meme

    5. Hamsters are often frightened little animals, but who knew it was because of ghosts.

    Scared hamster meme

    6. This hamster is every one of us on a Monday morning.

    Stressed hamster meme

    7. Business in the front and also business in the cage.

    Business hamster meme

    8. A hamster has never looked cozier than when they’re wrapped in their own custom hoodie.

    Sweatshirt hamster meme

    9. If hamsters could sneak out to get a midnight snack, that’s all they would ever be doing.

    Snacking hamster meme

    10. Who knew hamsters were as familiar with phones and technology as the rest of us.

    Texting hamster meme

    11. Do you think hamsters have arguments and then rerun them in their head over and over?

    Argument hamster meme

    12. It does go somewhere, just around and around and around and around forever.

    Hamster wheel meme

    13. Hamsters probably wouldn’t make companions in times of war, but they make for a good meme.

    War time hamster meme

    14. No type of meme would be complete without a hamster sitting in a small cup that is even a bit too large.

    If I fits I sits hamster meme

    15. If this hamster’s eyes were closed, you may actually think you were looking at another egg in the carton.

    Egg hamster meme

    16. How can such a small animal take up so much space?

    Seat's taken hamster meme

    17. This may be the most comfortable and relaxed hamster we’ve ever seen. Good for him.

    Bad vibes hamster meme

    18. Hamsters will actually try to avoid loud noises, but they likely won’t cover their ears.

    Can't hear you hamster meme

    19. If a hamster has one super power, it’s the insatiable desire to escape from wherever they’re at.

    Hamster escape meme

    Most popular hamster meme templates

    Memes can be made from just about any photo of a hamster. If you wanted to, you could go find your hamster, snap a picture, and throw some relevant and humorous text over it to create that meme.

    Or you could use one of the more popular templates below, since they’re ripe for adding a hilarious caption.

    Scared hamster meme template

    The scared hamster meme template is the most popular one because it’s just so perfect. The image comes from a video of a PetsMart employee who was trying to feed a hamster who just wasn’t enjoying his time.

    The hamster is ultimately fine and just a little scared, but it spawned one of the most popular meme templates and provides a great starting point if you want to create a meme yourself.

    Scared hamster meme template

    Thumbs up hamster meme template

    The next meme is a great one for all types of situations and captions. It’s clearly photoshopped as hamsters don’t normally give a clear thumbs up, but it’s great for captioning anything that is positive or you want to agree with.

    You can even just take the blank image and send it off to show your approval.

    This one should be an easy one to enjoy and caption.

    Thumbs up hamster meme template

    FaceTime hamster meme template

    If you’ve ever FaceTimed or video chatted with someone, then this photo should look familiar. Maybe you’re chatting away and accidentally move the camera too close or they answer when you’re not expecting and your face takes up the whole screen.

    Well for this little hamster, that happened here and they got left with this slightly unflattering photo, but one that makes for a great template for you to play around with.

    So caption away!

    FaceTime hamster meme template

    Hamster eating carrots meme template

    Have you ever tried to put too much food in your mouth at once? This hamster has and they’re clearly enjoying the effort of trying to eat a carrot that is 1/3 the size of themselves.

    Imagine trying to stuff a cake in your mouth that is the size of your lower torso and boom, a magical template is born for you to caption and share.

    Hamster eating carrots meme template

    How to create hamster memes

    Now that you’ve seen some of the best hamster memes, as well as the most popular templates, you may be wondering how you make these yourself. If you’re not a whiz at Photoshop, don’t want to download an app, or just want to quickly caption a photo, there are sites out there that can help.

    The most popular and easiest site to us is the Meme Generator on imgflip:

    You can search for “hamster” in the search bar or upload a custom photo of your own furry friend. Then with the text field options, just write your text in and it will automatically show up on the photo, which you can then move around to make the perfect meme.

    Then screenshot or download and get to sharing it with your friends, family, and anyone else who would enjoy a good hamster meme.


    And there you have it! Memes are one of the most popular ways to share and enjoy hilarious content on the Internet and luckily there are memes for just about everything, including hamsters.

    If you have a great meme template, photo to share, or caption, get started with the most popular hamster meme templates on imgflip, Photoshop, or anywhere else you can create it.

    We just want to see the memes you create and share with the world because hamsters are ridiculous and enjoyable little animals.
