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How Much Does a Hamster Abscess Treatment Cost?

Hamsters are small animals with delicate immune systems and are easily susceptible to sickness and injuries. One of those illness is an abscess, which results from an infection and build up of pus under their skin.

Abscesses develop from infections arising from bacteria, unsanitary living conditions, or even poor diets. Luckily there is a treatment where the abscess is drained and your hamster is given medication to prevent any further infection or pus build up.

In the following article, we’re going to cover general abscess treatments and related information, specifically how much an abscess treatment costs. And with all of our articles, there is a handy table of contents below so you can see what will be covered in this article and click any of the links to be taken directly to that section.

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    How Much Does Hamster Abscess Treatment Cost?

    An abscess treatment can cost anywhere between $25 and $100 depending on the veterinarian providing the treatment, the severity of the abscess, and cost of medication.

    How Much Does Hamster Abscess Treatment Cost

    Hamster abscesses are fairly common infections that can be easily treated by a trained veterinarian. They generally develop from infections and bacteria as a result of bites from other cage mates or an injury from a sharp metal object, such as a wheel or cage. They can also develop from unsanitary cage conditions or bedding that contains bacteria.

    Abscesses can develop anywhere on a hamster, but they’re most commonly found on their head. Wherever the injury occurs is where you may notice an abscess appearing. It looks like a red swelling under the skin that is sensitive to the touch.

    If you notice an abscess appearing, you should take your hamster to the veterinarian as soon as possible so they can perform tests to ensure it is not something else, such as a cyst or a benign tumor. Never attempt to pop or drain the abscess at home, since that can cause more damage if not done properly.

    A trained veterinarian will be able to diagnose and treat an abscess in a single visit. And depending on your copay and the recommended treatment, you can expect to pay between $25 and $100.

    What is the Treatment for a Hamster Abscess?

    To treat an abscess on a hamster, the veterinarian will rupture and completely drain it before cleaning it with an antiseptic liquid. In severe cases, it may require surgical removal.

    What is the Treatment for a Hamster Abscess

    Treatment for an abscess is fairly straightforward and involves identifying, rupturing, and cleaning the area before the infection can spread or cause more severe illness. In some extreme cases, the abscess may need to be removed surgically.

    Abscesses that are surgically removed generally heal quicker and more cleanly than those that are just ruptured and drained. This is because surgical remove is more precise and can eliminate all evidence of the infection so it doesn’t appear again.

    The most important part in removing an abscess is to completely clean the area since infection tends to thrive in unsanitary conditions. If not thoroughly cleaned, the infection can come back and result in a more severe abscess that can spread to other parts of your hamster.

    Always let a veterinarian decide the best course of treatment, but in most cases, simply rupturing, draining, and cleaning the abscess will be enough to prevent any further infection or harm to your furry friend.

    How Long Does Abscess Treatment Take?

    A trained veterinarian can treat an abscess in less than an hour if it only requires a simple rupture, draining, and cleaning. If surgery is needed, the procedure can take over an hour, but those are more extreme cases that aren’t very common.

    How Long Does Abscess Treatment Take

    The procedure to treat an abscess typically isn’t very long. This is because it’s much like popping a pimple, there are only 3 simple steps. Rupturing, which is typically done with a sharp blade to ensure a clean cut.

    Next, the abscess has to be drained, which only takes a few minutes. But this is an important step to ensure that it is completely drained and won’t come back or cause your hamster any pain.

    And finally, cleaning the area thoroughly to prevent further infection and then applying a bandage to allow for sufficient healing. When your veterinarian sends you home, they should give you instructions on how to prevent your hamster from gnawing at the bandage and preventing it from fully healing.

    If your hamster does gnaw at the bandage, consult with your veterinarian on whether there are further steps that need to be taken. Often times it will only take a day or two to fully heal. But if you notice the abscess reappearing or the redness and swelling don’t go down after a few days, call your veterinarian back to get a better idea of next steps and what needs to be done.

    Are There Hamster Abscess Home Treatments?

    There are no home treatments for hamster abscesses and you shouldn’t attempt to rupture or remove an abscess. Any removals should be done by a trained veterinarian in a clean environment.

    Are There Hamster Abscess Home Treatments

    While an abscess may just seem like a pimple that needs to be popped, you should never attempt to remove an abscess at home. They result from infections and without the proper training to cleanly rupture, drain, and clean the area, it can worsen and cause more severe injuries.

    It may seem tempting since it’s not necessarily the most complex procedure, but complications can still arise and cause issues if not done properly. If you are worried about the cost, call your veterinarian and ask how much the procedure will cost. But even if the cost is significant, it’s not worth trying any medical procedures at home.

    At best, you may save $50. At worst, you can cause the severe injury or even the death of your hamster. So for these reasons, it just makes sense to have a trained veterinarian resolve the issue quickly and without further damage.

    Additional Reading

    If you’d like to read more about hamster abscess, medical treatments, and the general healthcare of hamsters, check out the links below:


    And there you have it! Hamster abscesses are fairly common and your veterinarian will have drained a few in his or her day. It’s a relatively simple procedure that involves rupturing, draining, and cleaning the area to prevent further infection and harm to your furry friend.

    The procedure generally costs between $25 and $100 depending on what your vet charges. And you should never attempt the procedure at home since the risks don’t outweigh the minimal rewards.

    As always, consult with a veterinarian for any medical issues your hamster may develop. Articles don’t know the specifics your hamster’s situation and are never a replacement for hands on advice from a trained professional.