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What Fruits Can a Hamster Eat?

Hamsters are our small furry friends that love to burrow, cuddle, and most of all snack. So much so that you might see their cheeks filled with food! And hamsters will eat just about anything you put in front of them. Which is why it’s so important to know what a hamster can and can’t eat. And for that reason, in this article we’re going to cover what fruits a hamster can eat.

And we’ll talk about why a hamster can or can’t eat each of the fruits listed below. Each section below will cover a specific fruit, but if you’d like to jump to any specific section, use the links below to jump to the right spot.

Table of Contents

    But without further ado, let’s jump right into a general summary of fruit and if the tasty snack is good for hamsters.

    Can Hamsters Eat Fruit?

    Yes, hamsters can eat fruit safely, however because fruit is naturally high in sugar, moderation is key to avoid detrimental health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, and diarrhea.

    Fruit is delicious. Whether you’re thinking of apples, strawberries, mangos, or more, there’s a fruit variety out there for everyone. And your hamsters are no exception. It’s almost guaranteed your hamster will love to eat fruit, but because fruit is so naturally high in sugar, you should be careful to not provide too much.

    In each section below, we’ll go into more depth on the specific types of fruit that are safe for your hamster to eat. If you’re not interested in scrolling too far, here’s a table that summarizes what fruits are safe for your hamster to eat.

    FruitSafe for Your Hamster to Eat
    What fruits can a hamster eat?

    But there’s a lot more to know about each fruit than just if your hamster can eat it. Moderation, cleaning the fruit, removing the seeds, and cutting it up into small chunks is important.

    So let’s jump into our first and most common fruit, apples!

    Can a Hamster Eat Apples?

    Yes, hamsters can eat apples without any harm to their health or diet. However, there are some things you should know about portions and preparation to keep your hamster healthy.

    Can a hamster eat apples

    Apples are a great source of healthy food for a hamster. They provide Vitamin C, which helps with the hamster’s immune system and contributes to healthy skin. Apples are also low in calories so you won’t be contributing to unhealthy weight gain or diabetes. And best of all, if you’ve ever given a hamster an apple, you’ll know just how much they love the texture and taste.

    But there are things to be aware of when feeding your hamster apples.

    First, make sure to provide a reasonable portion. Apples are a nice treat, but too much of anything can be detrimental. Try out small portions first and see how your hamster reacts. If there is any negative reaction, then stop feeding your hamster apples.

    Second, cut the skin off the apple first. Apple skin is safe to eat, but it can cause choking and it’s best to just avoid that situation entirely. The apple skin doesn’t provide a ton of nutrients anyway, so no big loss there.

    And finally, the most important thing you need to do is to remove any apple seeds. These are a choking hazard and as a result should be completely removed before feeding your hamster any apple.

    Can a Hamster Eat Watermelon?

    Yes, a hamster can eat watermelon safely, but like apples and other fruits high in sugar, they should only eat watermelon in moderation.

    Can a hamster eat watermelon

    Watermelon is another fruit that is perfectly safe for a hamster to eat. And if you’ve ever seen a hamster eat the fruit, you know how much they like it. But much like apples, there are a few things you should know before you toss a large piece of watermelon in their cage.

    First, take the skin off the watermelon. While a hamster can eat the skin from an apple, a watermelon is different. Humans know not to eat the tough skin, but a hamster might just got for it. Better safe than sorry here.

    Second, make sure to remove all the seeds from the watermelon first. Those seeds can be a choking hazard and should be avoided at all costs. Even 1 seed sneaking through is enough for your hamster to choke and no one wants that.

    And finally, only give your hamster watermelon in moderation. Hamsters love it so much because it contains a lot of sugar and that sugar is not healthy. It can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, and other unhealthy conditions. As a result, it’s best to keep watermelon as a treat for your hamster and not a regular part of their diet.

    Can a Hamster Eat a Banana?

    Yes, hamsters can eat bananas because they are rich in vitamins and nutrients. However, hamsters have to eat more than just bananas to have a balanced diet.

    Can a hamster eat a banana

    Much like apples and watermelon, bananas are perfectly fine for hamsters to eat. They contain lots of beneficial vitamins and nutrients that help give a hamster a balanced diet. However, there are a few things you should know about your hamster and bananas.

    First, don’t overdo it with the bananas. Bananas are fine to eat, but only in moderation. If you only feed your hamster bananas, they could develop a diabetes or lack various nutrients for a balanced diet.

    Second, make sure to cut up the banana into small chunks. You might be tempted to just put the entire or half a banana into the cage, but that be a choking hazard. By cutting the fruit up into smaller chunks, you reduce the risk that your hamster may choke on the fruit.

    Can a Hamster Eat Cantaloupe?

    Yes, hamsters can eat cantaloupe because the fruit is packed with various nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for a healthy hamster diet.

    Can a hamster eat cantaloupe

    Cantaloupe is packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, and dietary fibers. All of those are beneficial for a healthy and balanced diet. As a result, you should definitely incorporate cantaloupe into your hamster’s diet.

    Vitamin C is great to remove toxins and improve the health of your hamster. Much like people take Vitamin C to ward off sickness and improve immunity, the same effect applies to hamsters.

    The Vitamin A in cantaloupe can help improve the hamster’s vision, growth, and immunity. All of which are important for your hamster to have a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

    Finally, dietary fibers are useful to help keep your hamster’s digestive system running smoothly. Fiber is important to maintain a healthy digestive system and you should make sure that fiber is a regular part of your hamster’s diet.

    Everyone loves cantaloupe, including hamsters. And best of all, it’s a healthy treat and you should feel comfortable incorporating it your hamster’s diet.

    Can a Hamster Eat Pineapple?

    Yes, hamsters can eat pineapple with no health problems. It is a sugary treat however, so moderation is key.

    Can a hamster eat pineapple

    Who doesn’t love pineapple? It’s a sweet, sugary treat that provides that nice feeling of drinking a cold beverage on a Hawaiian beach. Well, that may not be the exact feeling your hamster gets, but they will certainly enjoy the treat.

    Pineapple is full of sugar, so make it a once a week treat. Just like people shouldn’t be eating sugary snacks all day, the same applies to your hamster. Too much sugar can be detrimental to their health, but the occasional treat is fine. That means about once a week is a good amount.

    Pineapple is also full of healthy nutrients, such as Vitamin C, manganese, antioxidants, and dietary fibers. All of those nutrients are important for a balanced diet. Antioxidants help slow down the effects of aging and manganese helps the brain function at it’s highest levels.

    Pineapple is a wonderful sugary treat that your hamster will enjoy just as much as you, but just make sure to provide it in moderation.

    Can Hamsters Eat Grapes?

    Yes, hamsters can eat grapes just like many other fruits, however grapes are high in sugar so moderation is important.

    Can hamsters eat grapes

    Grapes are another great source of various vitamins and nutrients, such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, calcium, and fiber that helps with digestion. So similar to many of the other fruits we’ve talked about in this article, grapes do provide nutritional benefits to hamsters.

    The vitamins and nutrients in grapes can help with your hamster’s immunity, digestion, bone and hair health. So there’s actually a benefit to giving your hamster some grapes.

    However, grapes are high in sugar, much like pineapple. Therefore, they should be reserved for treats instead of part of their daily diet. They aren’t essential, but they aren’t entirely detrimental either.

    As a result, yes, you can and should give your hamster grapes. However, the sweet treat should probably be reserved for special occasions, like a once a week at most.

    Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?

    Yes, hamsters can safely eat blueberries, but they should be served in moderation alongside a balanced diet.

    Can hamsters eat blueberries

    Blueberries are another great option to add as a treat to your hamsters already balanced diet. The fruit is low in sugar and calories, so they don’t pose any major health issues to your furry friend.

    Blueberries contain antioxidants, fiber, numerous vitamins, and protein, all of which can contribute to a healthy diet for your hamster. As we’ve mentioned in the previous sections, the vitamins help with immunity, antioxidants can reduce the risk of cancer, and fiber helps your hamster have a smooth digestive system.

    But much like every other fruit in this article, blueberries aren’t healthy enough to be eaten alone. Your hamster needs other fruits, veggies, and proteins to maintain a balanced diet. As a result, it’s probably best to slowly introduce blueberries as a treat and if your hamster likes them then you can provide them a few times a week as a nice variety and treat.

    Can Hamsters Eat Mango?

    Yes, hamsters can safely eat mango as an addition to their diet. They’ll probably enjoy the sweet treat and look forward to it.

    Can hamsters eat mango

    Who doesn’t love mangos? They’re a sweet and refreshing fruit with a wonderful taste that reminds most people of a relaxing beach or day in the sun. While your hamster may not associate the fruit with a beach, they’ll enjoy it just as much.

    Mangos are perfectly safe for your hamster to eat, but like most fruits it is high in sugar. As a result, it’s best to keep the fruit to an occasional treat instead of a staple of every meal.

    And you should always make sure to cut the fruit up into small pieces to reduce the risk of choking. Generally, the sweeter the fruit, the quicker the hamster tries to devour it. And a stringy mango can cause a choking hazard, so take extra steps to cut it into small pieces.

    Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

    Yes, hamsters can eat strawberries and they will love the fruit, but it’s very sweet and full of natural sugars so keep it as an occasional treat.

    Can hamsters eat strawberries

    Like most fruits, strawberries are safe for your hamster to eat, however they also contain a ton of natural sugars. And just like humans, hamsters can’t survive off of sugar alone. In fact, that sugar can cause issues with diabetes, teeth decay, and lacking a balanced diet.

    That means you shouldn’t be giving your hamster the sweet fruit every day, but once or twice a week is perfectly fine. Just remember as with most fruits, that you should cut it up into tiny portions before giving it to your hamster. Don’t just throw an entire strawberry in the cage.

    And remember, start small if this is a new food for your hamster. You want to understand if they like the fruit, whether they may be allergic, or there are other unanticipated effects.

    Can Hamsters Eat Apricots?

    Yes, hamsters can eat apricots without any issues, however because the fruit is high in sugar, moderation is key.

    Can hamsters eat apricots

    Everyone loves apricots or at least they should. The fruit is delicious in large part due to its high sugar concentration. It’s a sweet treat that even your hamster will love.

    But just because your hamsters loves it and it’s safe to eat, doesn’t mean it should become a staple of their diet. A few, small pieces of apricot each week is fine as a treat, but its high sugar content can become a health issue if they eat too much. That large amount of sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, or even diarrhea, which is detrimental to their health.

    But a few pieces of apricot here and there are completely fine for your hamster. Just remember that moderation is important to avoid any health issues.

    Additional Reading

    If you’re looking to read more on fruits and a healthy diet for your hamster, here a few other resources:


    This article started with a question, what fruits can hamsters eat? And we think that question has been thoroughly answered! But to recap this article in a nutshell, fruit is completely safe for your hamster to eat. However because fruit is naturally high in sugar and sugar can be detrimental to any pet’s health, moderation is key.

    Providing small amounts of your hamsters favorite fruit once or twice a week is perfectly safe. Just remember to cut up the fruit into small pieces, remove any seeds or other choking hazards, and thoroughly wash the fruit before providing it to them.

    Your hamster will appreciate the sweet treat and you can both enjoy the fruity snack together! If you have questions about specific fruit or have feedback for this article, feel free to contact us.