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Why Is My Hamster Crying? Reasons and Remedies

Hamsters are adorable creatures that make great pets. However, as a pet owner, it can be concerning to hear your furry friend crying. Hamsters are known to be quiet animals, so any unusual sounds or behaviors can be alarming. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why a hamster may cry and what you can do to comfort them.

Understanding hamster behavior is essential in identifying the reasons for their crying. Hamsters are prey animals, which means they are naturally skittish and easily frightened as they are often hunted by other animals.

To combat that, they have a keen sense of hearing and smell, which makes them sensitive to their environment. Any sudden changes in their surroundings can cause stress and anxiety, leading to distress and crying. other common reasons for hamster distress include illness, hunger, thirst, and fear.

It’s essential to pay attention to your hamster’s behavior and identify any changes in their routine. Knowing how to comfort a crying hamster and prevent future distress is crucial in ensuring your pet’s well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Hamsters are prey animals that are sensitive to their environment, which can cause stress and anxiety.
  • Common reasons for hamster distress include illness, hunger, thirst, and fear.
  • Identifying signs of a crying hamster, comforting them, and preventing future distress is crucial in ensuring your pet’s well-being.

Understanding Hamster Behavior

Before we get into reasons why hamsters often cry, it’s important to understand their normal behavior and body language. While crying may seem like it should be obvious, the more reliable signs are to look for behaviors that are abnormal.

Normal Hamster Sounds

Hamsters are known to make various sounds and even sounds weird ones. That’s why it’s essential to understand what these sounds mean. Some of the normal sounds that hamsters make include squeaking, chirping, and chattering. All are happy noises!

Hamsters usually make these sounds when they are happy and excited, especially when they are playing or getting treats. However, hamsters can also make these sounds when they are scared or stressed, so it’s important to observe their body language to understand their mood.

Hamster Body Language

Hamsters use their body language to communicate their feelings and intentions. Some of the common body language signs that hamsters display include:

Hamster body language
  • Ears: Hamsters’ ears are a good indicator of their mood. When they are relaxed, their ears are up, and when they are scared or stressed, their ears are flattened against their head.
  • Eyes: Hamsters’ eyes can also tell a lot about their mood. When they are happy, their eyes are bright and wide open. When they are scared or stressed, their eyes are half-closed, and they may appear sleepy. But don’t mistake a hamster’s red eyes for anything nefarious, sometimes they are just red.
  • Posture: Hamsters’ posture can also indicate their mood. When they are happy and relaxed, they will have a straight posture, and their body will be loose. When they are stressed or scared, they will hunch their back and appear tense.
  • Vocalization: As mentioned earlier, hamsters make various sounds to communicate their feelings. It’s important to pay attention to the type of sound they are making and their body language to understand their mood.

In conclusion, understanding hamster behavior is essential to provide them with the best care possible. By observing their body language and listening to their sounds, you can determine their mood and address any issues that may arise.

Common Reasons for Hamster Distress

Now, let’s talk about the most common reasons for your hamster to feel distressed or scared and start crying. The primary reasons are generally illness, loneliness, and poor living conditions. Let’s talk about one of the most common first, illness.


One of the most common reasons why a hamster may be crying is due to an underlying illness. Some common illnesses that can cause distress in hamsters include respiratory infections, dental problems like overgrown teeth that need to be trimmed, and digestive issues that can lead to more severe issues like wet tail.

If a hamster is crying excessively, it is important to take them to a veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems. Generally a visit to the vet will cost between $25 and $300, but proactive visits are always cheaper in the long-run.


Hamster poor living conditions

While hamsters are generally solitary animals, they do require interaction with their owners to thrive.

If a hamster is ignored for too long, they may become distressed and start crying.

As a result, it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys, activities, and socialization to prevent loneliness.

Poor Living Conditions

Hamsters require a clean and spacious living environment to remain healthy and happy. A dirty cage, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition can all contribute to distress in hamsters.

It is important to provide them with a clean and comfortable living space, plenty of opportunities for exercise, and a balanced diet to prevent distress. You should be spot cleaning their cage once a day and doing a larger, deep cleaning at least once per week.

Hamsters may cry due to illness, loneliness, or poor living conditions and as a result, it’s important to address these issues promptly to ensure the health and happiness of your furry friend.

Signs of a Crying Hamster

If you’re wondering why your hamster is crying, it’s important to understand the signs that indicate they are upset. Hamsters are known to be vocal and expressive animals, and they often communicate their emotions through various physical and behavioral changes. Here are some signs to look out for:

Physical Signs

When a hamster is crying, there are a few physical signs that you may notice. These include:

  • Wet fur around the eyes: If your hamster is crying, you may notice wet fur around their eyes. This is a sign that they have been producing tears.
  • Swollen eyes: Hamsters that are upset may have swollen eyes, which can be a sign of inflammation or infection. You can read more about treating swollen eye here.
  • Hunched posture: If your hamster is crying, they may adopt a hunched posture with their head down and their back arched.

Behavioral Changes

In addition to physical signs, there are also a number of behavioral changes that can indicate your hamster is crying. These include:

  • Reduced appetite: Hamsters that are upset may lose their appetite and refuse to eat.
  • Increased aggression: Hamsters that are crying may become more aggressive and may bite or scratch if they feel threatened.
  • Excessive grooming: Hamsters that are upset may engage in excessive grooming, which can lead to bald spots or skin irritation.

Overall, it’s important to pay attention to your hamster’s behavior and body language to determine if they are crying. If you are concerned about your hamster’s health or well-being, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.

How to Comfort a Crying Hamster

If a hamster is crying, it is important to take action to comfort them. Here are some steps to take:

Improving Living Conditions

The first step in comforting a crying hamster is to ensure that their living conditions are appropriate. Hamsters need a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to thrive.

Check that their cage is big enough, has enough bedding, and is kept in a quiet and stress-free area. Make sure they have access to fresh water and food at all times.

How to comfort a crying hamster

Providing Company

Hamsters are social animals and can become lonely if they do not have enough interaction with their owners. Spend time with your hamster every day, playing with them and giving them attention.

Seeking Veterinary Care

If your hamster continues to cry despite improving their living conditions and providing company, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue. Take them to a veterinarian who specializes in small animals as soon as possible. The vet can diagnose and treat any medical conditions your hamster may have.

Remember to always handle your hamster gently and with care. By following these steps, you can help comfort your crying hamster and ensure they live a happy and healthy life.

Preventing Future Distress

But it’s not good enough to diagnose and stop crying when you notice it. You should also be taking steps to prevent future distress by being proactive in the following ways.

Regular Health Check-ups

To keep your hamster happy in the long-run, it is important to schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian. A veterinarian can check for any underlying health issues that may be causing the hamster to cry excessively. Regular check-ups can also help to catch any health issues early on before they become more serious.

Balanced diet for a hamster

Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is also essential for a hamster’s overall health and well-being. Ensure that your hamster is receiving a diet that is rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Avoid feeding your hamster foods that are high in sugar or fat, as these can lead to obesity and other health issues. Provide your hamster with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a high-quality hamster food that is formulated specifically for their dietary needs.

Proper Cage Maintenance

The environment in which a hamster lives can greatly affect their overall health and happiness. Ensure that your hamster’s cage is clean and well-maintained. Clean the cage regularly, removing any soiled bedding and replacing it with fresh bedding.

Provide your hamster with plenty of toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now, let’s cover a few of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to hamsters and when they cry.

Frequently asked questions

How can I tell if my hamster is crying or just making normal noises?

Hamsters can make a variety of noises, from squeaks to chirps to hisses. Some of these sounds are perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you hear your hamster making a high-pitched, repetitive sound that sounds like crying, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

What are some common reasons that hamsters cry?

There are several reasons why a hamster might cry. One common reason is stress. Hamsters are sensitive animals and can become stressed by changes in their environment or routine. Another reason could be pain or illness. If your hamster is crying frequently, it’s a good idea to take them to a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Is it normal for a hamster to cry frequently?

No, it’s not normal for a hamster to cry frequently. If your hamster is crying often, it could be a sign that they are experiencing pain or discomfort.

What can I do to comfort my crying hamster?

If your hamster is crying, the best thing you can do is try to comfort them. Make sure they have plenty of food, water, and a clean, comfortable living space. You can also try spending more time with them and giving them plenty of attention and affection.

Do hamsters cry when they are in pain?

Yes, hamsters can cry when they are in pain. If you suspect that your hamster is in pain, it’s important to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Can a hamster’s crying be a sign of illness?

Yes, a hamster’s crying can be a sign of illness. If your hamster is crying frequently, it’s a good idea to take them to a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.


In conclusion, hamsters can cry for a variety of reasons, including stress, pain, illness, or even loneliness. It is important for hamster owners to pay close attention to their pet’s behavior and body language, as well as provide a comfortable and safe living environment.

If a hamster is crying excessively or showing other signs of distress, it is recommended to take them to a veterinarian for a check-up. Additionally, providing toys and activities can help keep a hamster mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.

Overall, understanding the reasons behind a hamster’s crying can help owners provide the best care for their furry friend. With proper attention and care, hamsters can live happy and healthy lives.
